Although several New Mexican dishes are fairly much like Mexican and Tex-Mex choices such as enchiladas and burritos, New Mexican meals is actually very different. Many of the dishes that comprise Mexican delicacies were originated by the Aztecs or similar Mesoamerican cultures. The staple of this culinary culture was the corn tortilla, the tomato and the bean. All three of these products, black beans, tomatoes and corn, are indigenous to the brand new world and are authentically Mexican. Typical Mexican culinary fare before the arrival of the Europeans consisted of dishes heavy on these elements cooked in the open air markets of the Aztecs over an open fire. Tomatillos were also necessary substances that, together with the tomatoes, initially repelled many Europeans due to their resemblance and lineage to a standard poison plant referred to as Nightshade.
The restaurant has a tropical cocktail bar and offers all kinds of specialty …